First of all i don't know exactly why i'm studying this career ( Theory and History of art). I think at first i liked the name, the title of it, so this is kind of hard to do. I enjoy reading and looking at different art expresions, unfold them colors, forms, subterranean ideas and thoughts.
A professional in this area maybe is supposes to know perfectly the abecedary, also needs to have a hole in the middle of the crane, where ideas can flow freely .
My favorite subjects are because of the teachers, I like all sergio rojas classes! (i'm such a - calcetinera - of him ). This year ( my second one) i have a few favourites ones, as Cine with Miguel Ángel Vidaurre and sociology of art with an argentinian teacher, Federico Galende ( i love his poetical way of translate ideas). If i finish the career, i would love to travel and maybe work on " curatorias" and researching.
This is an career that require people that can find original ways to achieve works to do, because of the reduced laboral field, but i think it's worth it :)
Pd: the pic is a little nonesense,a selfportrait of my platonic and egomaniac painter love, Gustave Courbet.