I'm an student of the Art Faculty of chile university. This faculty at a simple view have a lot of issues in therms of infrastructure. I find that almost looks like a rural school or something. We can make a comparison between our campus fellows right next to us, like cine, social scienes , literature, etc . In that place they had a living center of constant cultural activities and the infrastructure gives a very warm welcome to them. In other hand, here in art there's seem to be a lack of these kind of activities. This is in conecction with the poor enviroment. The library is a shame, but it's sweet because it reminds of my primary school. Long time ago, as is well known by people, the faculty of art was an outstanding place because there was the center of art production and creation of new approchement to the art thoughts. Nowadays, along with the change of the physical place there's been a drop of these prominent side
It's hard to improve this because it a situation that has to deal money, and if there's something missing in here is cash!. Although i find it nice, there's these " little wood" that is all mess up, following the general appearence of the place. Its a good site to just lie, read and chat. In arts we are like in a quiet bubble at first sight. The bureaucratic system works very slowly too( as the computers), you must be patience. But at the end of the day is all worth because of some really good teachers that achieve to make more enthusiasm students.